Rehabilitative Training Courses

Personalised support 

National Learning Network provides a range of rehabilitative training programmes with individualised services allowing people to be supported in all aspects of their lives, including helping them either return to work or find a new direction in their lives.

Our rehabilitative training programmes support people between 16 and 66 who may have suffered a setback in life through either injury or long-term illness and have left a hospital or supported care setting. We also support and deliver training to people with mental health difficulties. These people include those with learning difficulties who may have left school early or are transitioning from school settings, people with physical and intellectual disabilities and people with Autism.

We support people who may have experienced depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcohol/drug dependency/addiction/recovery, anxiety disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Bipolar disorder, social anxiety phobia, eating disorders, autism spectrum disorders, panic disorder.

These conditions can manifest themselves in many ways, such as social phobia, tiredness, stress and anxiety, stamina problems, poor mental and general health, poor eating habits, alcohol or drug dependency, insufficient or interrupted education, little or no work experience, poor management of a disability and a lack of integration in the community. 

About our Training Programmes

Our programmes can make the difference you have been looking for. Our experienced tutors, support specialists and tailored programmes available throughout Ireland can provide you with the first step on your journey to a new life. 

NLN tutors ensure all learning is done at a student’s own pace and in their preferred learning style. This learning style may include providing visual aids for those who like to learn by looking, watching and seeing, auditory for those who like to listen, and kinaesthetic for those that want to try things by doing. By allowing learners to use a combination of learning styles, we ensure all students learn in a relaxed environment that will enable them to develop their skills and progress at their own pace to reach their personal goals. 

Each learner can avail of a variety of supports: 

  • Person-Centred Planning Approach
  • Individualised Approach (Individual Action Planning IAP Process)
  • Psychological Supports, including Rehabilitation Psychologist
  • Rehabilitation Officer (acting as an advocate)
  • Resource Teacher for those with extra learning needs 
  • Community-based work experience, community volunteering opportunities
  • Art/art therapy (allowing learners express themselves)
  • Link with Mental Health services where appropriate
  • Identifying, involving and strengthening a person’s support network (Circle of Support)
  • Information and advice, healthy eating and wellness services such as WRAP Wellness Recovery Action Planning workshops/training, and peer support.
  • NLN Rehabilitation Programmes are tailored to each individual’s needs. Modules of programmes vary from centre to centre, but each programme contains modules on personal development and social, community, and employment opportunities in the individual’s locality. 

Contact the nearest centre to find a course in your county today.